Rehearsals are the backbone of a successful show and all cast
members are expected to attend.  Rehearsals are on Tuesdays and  
Thursdays at
Alpenrose Dairy Opera House.  Each practice runs from
10:00AM until 1:00PM.  (Yes, putting on a good show requires a
significant commitment of your time.  A courtesy call in advance of
absences assists in planning rehearsal activities.)

Auditions:      (Next Audition September 2016 at Alpenrose Opera House)
Auditions are held January and September of each year.   Please attend
a rehearsal to see how we operate.  If you think you would like to join
us, prospective performers must audition a song and/or dance number
for the Artistic Director and cast.  Auditions are held in conjunction with
regularly scheduled rehearsals.  Please bring two copies of your
music.  An accompanist will be provided.  Please Contact us at  
503-227-2003  to arrange an audition.  

Non-performers, who would like to simply "help out," are also
welcome.  Jobs abound.  We just need to know we can count upon your

We are a non-profit organization.  We are governed by a set of by-laws,
Board of Directors, and four elected officers.  The Artistic Director's
decisions on all aspects of shows, and their content, are final.  Listings
of the by-laws, Directors, Officers and members are provided to each
cast member.
* More About Us *
Northwest Senior Theatre
Next Show:    Spring Gala - May 16-19, 2018 - "Love is ON the Air"
2:00 pm @ Alpenrose Opera House -- 6149 SW Shattuck Rd., Portland, OR